(this is where mae felt safe to try out the boogie board)
So our beach day started a little rough. We were about an hour late getting to the beach to meet with friends. As we were walking from the parking lot to the beach I...wait let's first get a mental picture of what I was doing. I was carrying a camping chair, my purse, the cooler, big bag of towels and the sand toys. So I started off towards the beach loaded down ready to go.. The sidewalk leading to the sand was a bit off and I tripped on an uneven portion of the sidewalk. Once I started to trip I couldn't stop myself. I had so much loaded on me and the slope of the sidewalk made me stumble for so long I had enough time to think "when am I actually going to hit the ground?" It was hilarious. Everything I was holding shifted forward to help the tripping gain momentum. I don't know how but I pulled it off without falling but I did. Luckly no one I knew saw my little flight take off. Once I made my way safely down to the water, it was great. The weather was perfect, the kids were having a blast! Great day! But no that's not all for the excitment of this beach day.. So after spending about 4 hours in the water Chloe was drying off and started complaining that her body hurt. Her stomach, her arms, her head, everything was near melt down mode for her. I tried explaining to her that her muscles were sore from fighting the waves for so long, but she wasn't having it. She was almost in tears as we trudged back to the car with all of our stuff. We get in the car and she is crying about her head and body hurting so badly. Slightly freaked out I asked if any of the other kids were feeling this way. She ate a little lunch but didn't drink much water. So I thought she was dehydrated. A couple of the kids were feeling sore and complained of their stomach hurting so I thought it was fine, she was just tired. So we start driving home. As we get on the 105 freeway right in front of LAX she really starts crying and complaining and said that her saliva tastes weird... Do I need to tell you what happened next? Yes she vomited all over herself and the car in five lanes of traffic. Holy cow did a lot come out of her. She instantly felt better and went to sleep. We hit traffic so it took us over an hour to get back home. Crazy, hilarious day! All in all it really was a great beach day!

Oh and this funny picture. I was pulling mae on the boogie board because she was nervous to go too deep in the water to try it. So a wave came that made the board turn and flipped her over in about 6 inches of water. So her hair was swept over her hat and her ear and face were covered in sand. She was crying in this picture but I couldn't resist taking it because her hair was to funny.